Syntax Guide: Numeric Questions

August 18, 2016

Responses to numeric questions are recorded in the long data type for integer numbers and record in the double data type for real numbers (ie 1.5, 2.73, 15.25, 2.0).

The following functions and operators can be used in conditions for numeric questions:

Comparison to a value


Comparison to a range or several values


  • InRange: Checks if the number falls within a range
  • InList: Checks if the number falls within a list of numbers


Math Functions

These are the functions in the C# Math Class that could be useful in your instrument:


  • Arithmetic Operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  • ***Abs: ***Returns the absolute value of a number
  • ***Ceiling: ***Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the decimal number
  • ***Floor: ***Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the decimal number
  • ***Max: ***Returns the larger of the two numbers
  • ***Min: ***Returns the smaller of the two numbers
  • ***Pow: ***Returns a specified number to a specified power
  • ***Round: ***Round the decimal number to the closest integer
  • ***Sign: ***Returns whether the number is positive or negative
  • Sqrt: Returns the square root of the number
  • ***Truncate: ***Returns the integer part of a decimal number
  • Additional methods in the C# Math Class






Checks if a value falls within a specified range.



This function will return ***true ***if a ≤ var ≤ b. Otherwise, it will return false. The values of a and b can either be numbers or variables. This function provides a more simple way to write the condition:

var ≥ a && var ≤ b


Example 1

Assume there is a question (days_worked) that asks the respondent how many days in the last 7 days did they work at their primary job. We want to check that the response is between 0 and 7 days as a validation condition.

For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question like this:


It can also be written using the variable name:



Example 2

A common check for numeric questions is a range check to verify that the answer to the question is within certain bounds. To verify, for example, that year of birth is within 1900 to 2020 range we write a validation condition for this variable:





Checks if a value matches any of the values in a specified list.



This function will return true if var matches any of the arguments in the provided list. Otherwise, it will return false. The values in the list can either be numbers or variables. This function provides a more simple way to write the condition:

(var==a || var==b || var==c || var==d || ...)


Example 1

Assume you have a question (satisfied) that asks people to rank how satisfied they are with their life on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being very unsatisfied and 5 being very satisfied. For people that answered 1 or 5, you want to ask them additional questions so you will need to have enabling conditions for them. For the follow up questions, you would code the enabling conditions like this:






Returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a real number can be thought of as the distance of the number from zero.



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.


Math.Abs(-6)     // returns 6
Math.Abs(6)      // returns 6
Math.Abs(7-3.5)  // returns 3.5
Math.Abs(3.5-7)  // returns 3.5





Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the value provided.



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.


Math.Ceiling(3.21)  // returns 4
Math.Ceiling(3.98)  // returns 4
Math.Ceiling(6-3.5) // returns 3
Math.Ceiling(4-2)   // returns 2





Returns the largest integral value that is less than or equal to the value provided



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.


Math.Floor(3.21)  // returns 3
Math.Floor(3.98)  // returns 3
Math.Floor(6-3.5) // returns 2
Math.Floor(4-2)   // returns 2





Returns the larger of two values



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.



Math.Max(2,4)       // returns 4
Math.Max(10,3)      // returns 10
Math.Max(-10,0.5)   // returns 0
Math.Max(6,1)       // returns 6





Returns the smaller of two values



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.

Math.Min(2,4)       // returns 2
Math.Min(10,3)      // returns 3
Math.Min(-10,0.5)   // returns -10
Math.Min(6,1)       // returns 1





Returns a specified number raised to the power of another specified number



The number a is raised to the power of b. The value for a and b can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.

Example 1

Math.Pow(2,3)   // returns 8
Math.Pow(4,4)   // returns 256


Example 2

You have two questions in your survey that ask for: 1) weight of a person in kilogram (weight) and 2) height of a person in centimeters (height). Both variables height and weight are real numbers (allows for decimal values) and not integers. You want to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the person and make sure it is in a certain range to validate that the weight and height were entered correctly.

For this check, the code for the validation condition would look like this:






Rounds a specified value to the nearest integer value



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.


Math.Round(20.1)    // returns 20
Math.Round(20.6)    // returns 21
Math.Round(10-1.5)  // returns 9





Returns whether the value is negative, positive, or zero. If the value if negative, then it will return the value -1. If the number is positive, then it will return the value 1. If the number is zero, then it will return the value 0.



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.


Math.Sign(5)        // returns 1
Math.Sign(0)        // returns 0
Math.Sign(-2)       // returns -1
Math.Sign(-5 + 2)   // returns -1





Returns the square root of a specified number. This will return an error if the specified number is negative.



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.


Math.Sqrt(16)       // returns 4
Math.Sqrt(144)      // returns 12
Math.Sqrt(12 + 13)  // returns 5





Returns the integer part of a specified number. In other words, this returns the value of the number before the decimal point.



The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.



Math.Truncate(53.72)    // returns 53
Math.Truncate(12.11)    // returns 12
Math.Truncate(-2.62)    // returns -2