Questionnaire Components


Variables are computable expressions that can be used to simplify validation and enabling conditions that use complex expressions. The content of a variable can be substituted into question text or static text to provide text that is more informative and dynamic. Also, calculated variables are included in the export data files. To add a variable: First Method Click on the down arrow next to the ADD QUESTION button. Select ADD VARIABLE.

June 16, 2016

Create and Modify Components

**This article will show you how to create, select, copy, move, and delete questionnaire components. ** Create All questionnaire components with the exception of sections can be created in the same manner. There are two methods for creating these questionnaire components (questions, sub-sections, rosters, variables and static texts). To create a questionnaire component (except sections): First Method Click on the Add Question button located on the left hand side of the navigation pane to create a question.

June 16, 2016

Questionnaire Components

Sections Any questionnaire created with this designer tool consists of sections and must have at least one section. Every section can in turn contain one or more: Sub-sections, Question, Roster, Static Text, and Variables. Sub-sections Subsections can contain one or more static-texts, questions, other sub-sections and rosters. They are used to group a set of questions related to a specific topic. For instance in household surveys a subsection can be used to group the questions related to the household’s characteristics.

June 16, 2016