Export Service

August 12, 2020

Version 20.08 and newer

Version 20.08 is delivered with export service embedded within Headquarters application. No separate windows service is installed in the system, only IIS website. All the information regarding startup of export you can find in logs folder. You still need to have BaseUrl configured properly, but no need to manage ExportServiceUrl configuration.

Version 20.07 and older

Survey solutions comes in two parts. Headquarters user facing web application (usually executed within IIS web server) and Export background windows service. Web site is communicating with its export service using HTTP protocol and specified in settings port. If you open your appsettings.Production.ini file you can find two URLs that are important for export service:


Export service is working, but fails to export data

When user requests export on data export page headquarters app sends HTTP request using DataExport:ExportServiceUrl configuration option to generate export. Part of this request is a headquarters app URL for export service to use when getting interview data. Back url that is sent to export service is configured in Headquarters:BaseUrl configuration option. Check if you can open headquarters application using configured url.

Export service unavailable

In order to check if export service is currently running you can open specified in configuration URL and append /.hc at the end. In default installation you should try opening http://localhost:5000/.hc url on machine where survey solutions is installed. If you see a single message saying Healthy it means export service is running.

If you don’t see a healthy status you should open services list (Press the Win + R keys on your keyboard, to open the Run window. Then, type “services.msc” and hit Enter or press OK) and find Survey Solutions Export Service Survey Solutions Export service

It should be in running status.

Reasons why export service cannot be launched can be found in Survey solutions installation / logs folder.